Mentor Spotlight

April 12, 2024

"Being a mentor means....Showing up for them and being there when they might feel like they don’t have anyone to turn to."

-Sammy Hooper, Mentor

What does being a mentor for LAUNCH mean to you?

Being a mentor for launch to me means making a difference and providing a positive impact on these young men’s lives. Showing up for them and being there when they might feel like they don’t have anyone to turn to or anyone who they can trust. Being someone who will listen and understand when they have something to talk about. 

What part of your role do you find most fulfilling?

To me, the most fulfilling part of being a mentor is when a mentee really opens up and talks about something they really need to get off their chest. 

How long have you been with LAUNCH?

I have been a mentor for launch for about 8 months now.

What do you do when you're not mentoring for LAUNCH?

In my free time I do all things basketball. I train and coach basketball as well as play in adult leagues and summer leagues when I can. 

What do you most hope LAUNCH mentees will get out of this year's program?

I hope the mentees gain confidence from this years program. The confidence to stand up for themselves and others. The confidence to put their minds to something and go do it. Not letting any minor inconvenience or adversity stop them from achieving their goals. The confidence to be who they are regardless of what others may think. 

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