Mentor Spotlight

April 12, 2024

"......where I can be a positive male influence is the most fulfilling."

-Ge-Rard Lee Henry, Mentor

What does being a mentor for LAUNCH mean to you?

Occupying a position as a L.A.U.N.C.H. for Life mentor means I must apply myself to achieve our mission.

What part of your role do you find most fulfilling?

Sharing a space where I can be a positive male influence is the most fulfilling.

How long have you been with LAUNCH?

I’ve been with LfL since August.

What do you do when you're not mentoring for LAUNCH?

 When I’m not mentoring: I’m grocery shopping, researching the stock market, visiting my folks, cleaning, and walking or jogging  downtown.

What do you most hope LAUNCH mentees will get out of this year's program?

I hope our young mentees influence their peers by utilizing the values the program teaches.

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